The most comfortable sheets for all sleep positions

For young healthy people, sleep position is usually not that important. But as we get older, sleep positions can become positive or negative for health.  According to experts at Johns Hopkins, sleep position can affect:

  • Back and neck pain
  • Snoring and sleep apnea
  • Reflux and heartburn
  • Skin appearance

A lot of sleep research over the years has shown there are three main categories of sleeping positions - side, back, and stomach -  with many variables and pros and cons for each. 

No matter what sleep position feels most comfortable for you or how many times you change position throughout the night, you can rest assured that Kitelinens Stay-Tucked Sheets will never come untucked and will always accommodate any position you find yourself in as you get your Z’s.

Want to know more about each type of sleep position? Read on to learn about the research, benefits and drawbacks of various positions, and how Kitelinens accommodates each type of sleep position for better rest throughout the night.

Sleeping on your side with cotton sateen sheets

According to the Better Sleep Council, sleep specialists recommend sleeping on your side in order to rest most comfortably, decrease the likelihood of interrupted sleep, and help with insomnia.  Sleeping on your side is encouraged for people suffering from back or hip pain and also recommended for pregnant women, specifically the left side. 

Kitelinens are one of the most comfortable sheets for side sleepers. If you (or your partner!) pull the sheet as you turn to the side, the deep pockets and extra long length of our sheets’ hybrid design means there is plenty of room for you and your partner to both sleep comfortably on your sides without anyone “hogging” the sheet or without it becoming untucked and messy. Different variations of side sleeping include:

  • Log position: According to sleep research, this is the least common sleep position with about 6% of Americans reporting that they sleep this way. To make this position better for your health, WebMD recommends placing a soft pillow or folded blanket or towel between your knees to ease pressure on your hips.
  • Yearner position: A reported 13% of Americans report sleeping this way, which consists of lying on your side with both arms out in front of your body. According to Better Sleep Council, Baby Boomers are more likely to sleep like this than Millennials and Gen X.
  • Fetal position: Did you know this is the most common sleep position? According to research, 47% of all Americans sleep in this curled-up manner, sleeping like we did when we were infants.  Women are also more likely to sleep in this position compared to men (54% vs. 39%) and 37% of Americans believe it is the best sleeping position.  According to WebMD, you can make this position better by stretching out a bit to encourage easy breathing. Pulling your body into a tight ball or curling forward too much can limit your lungs and diaphragm.

Sleeping on your belly with Kitelinens pure cotton sheets

Sleeping on your stomach is sometimes called the prone position.While stomach sleeping may help ease snoring, it can also aggravate other medical conditions. Your neck and spine are not in a neutral position which can cause neck and back pain. Stomach sleeping can put pressure on nerves and cause numbness, tingling, and nerve pain. Sleep specialists recommend trying to break the habit of stomach sleeping and propping your forehead up on a pillow so your head and spine remain in a neutral position and you have room to breathe.

Other names for the prone position include the Freefall position and The Skydiver. People who sleep this way have their arms wrapped around a pillow or tucked under a pillow. According to Better Sleep Council’s survey, this type of snoozer makes up approximately 17% of the population studied, but according to, it’s only 7%.

No matter if you’re trying to break the habit of stomach sleeping or are sticking to it, Kitelinens are still one of the most comfortable sheets you can find for sleeping in this position.

Most comfortable sheets for people who sleep on their back

Back-sleeping, or sleeping in the supine position, has its pros and cons. First, the cons: Some people who sleep on their backs may experience low back pain. It can also make existing back pain worse. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, sleeping on your back can aggravate these conditions as well. Also, women should avoid this position during late pregnancy.

The pros of supine position: Your head, neck, and spine are in a neutral position so you're less likely to experience neck pain. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated with a small pillow is also considered the best sleeping position for heartburn.  Some common positions for back snoozers include:

  • Soldier position: According to the Better Sleep Council, this is the fourth most common sleeping position, preferred by 11% of the population studied. Those who lie on their backs with their arms down and close to the body when they sleep are more likely than those who sleep in the Fetal, Freefall or Yearner positions to either not change positions or only change positions once.
  • Starfish or Stargazer position: Sleepers who prefer to lie on their backs with arms up near their heads or pillows account for 7% of the population studied, according the the Better Sleep Council. Interestingly, along with Log sleepers, people who sleep in this position are more likely to sleepwalk according to the Better Sleep Council. According to House Beautiful, this is a popular position with people taking quick power naps.

Regardless of where your limbs end up while you’re sleeping on your back, Kitelinens are the best organic cotton sateen sheets for back sleepers and will stay tucked all night. Don’t just take our word for it - read our dozens of 5-star reviews from satisfied customers of all ages and give us a try for  a 30-day risk-free return period.
