Want to know how to keep the sheets on the bed? Our blog's got all the ways to get a great night's sleep covered! RSS

Why a Professional Home Organizer Uses Kitelinens

We love the satisfaction you get from making your bedroom (especially your bed!) neat, so of course, we love keeping tidy in all rooms of the home too. No one knows this feeling of satisfaction better than professional home organizers, experts in clutter clearing who know all the best tricks and products for keeping your living spaces neat. Ever wonder what it’s like being a professional home organizer? We asked Clara, Founder of The Home Organized in Birmingham Alabama, who’s a professional organizer that loves Kitelinens. We had a chance to ask Clara about her multi-stop organization approach, how she helps her clients stay consistently neat, and how Kitelinens can help. If you’ve ever wondered what being a home organizer...

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How do Kitelinens compare to other cotton bed sheets on sale?

Bedding is a crowded category when it comes to online shopping.  With so many new brands of cotton bed sheets online, the choices seem endless. It can be difficult to discern what’s a quality bed sheet set that will last for many years to come, and what are cheap sheet sets that won’t. Since you can’t feel the fabric yourself when you shop online, it’s also hard to tell if the cotton bed sheets you’re shopping online will feel comfortable against your skin, or if they won’t meet your needs. What are the fabric qualities to look for in a quality cotton sheet? How can you gauge how soft and comfortable a cotton sheet will be? How do you know...

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The story behind Kitelinens sateen sheets that don't slip off

Kitelinens luxury bed sheets solve a natural problem that many people have: Your sheets (both fitted and top sheet) pop off your bed when you sleep every night and you have to re-tuck those sheets every morning. But how did these hybrid sheets go from an idea in the mind of Kitelinens Founder and inventor Sierra Wallizer to a polished product you can order online as cotton sateen sheets queen, full, twin and king? Sierra shares the story behind her award-winning sheets that don’t slip off in four parts – read and watch below to find out how Kitelinens premium cotton bed sheets went from an idea to the best cotton bed sheets that don’t slip off the bed. You...

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Better bedroom organization with Kitelinens sheets that stay on the bed

It’s never a bad time for more organization in the bedroom!  If the clothes are spilling out of your bedroom closet, your bed never seems to be made, and you’re stumbling on things in the dark as you walk to your bed, then it’s time to get your bedroom organized and we have some ideas for you!   Even if you only have 15 minutes at a time to devote to better organization, that’s enough to make a difference, and we’re here to help transform your bedroom into an oasis!  We’ve created a list of the best bedroom organization ideas, hacks and products to assist. Some are functional, some are ingenious, some are stylish, and all will help you sleep better...

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